Randy Block, founder and Director of the Michigan UU Social Justice Network
(MUUSJN), is retiring after twenty-two years of dedicated, justice-making leadership of
our organization.
Randy’s steadfast commitment to the work of social justice has inspired others to
participate in making our communities more just and caring for all people, particularly
those experiencing discrimination and other dehumanizing conditions. He coined the
phrase for MUUSJN, “Together we can do great things.” Randy has shared his passion
and talents for the greater good in ways that cannot be measured. We acknowledge,
with deep gratitude, his dedication and inspiration and wish him well in retirement.
A celebration of Randy’s accomplishments with MUUSJN will be held on November 16
at Northwest UU Church. Tributes may be emailed to muusjn.board@gmail.com, to be
shared with Randy.
UUs are known to be justice-seeking people. It takes many of us working together to achieve the goal of freedom and equity for all. The Michigan UU Social Justice Network (MUUSJN) leverages expertise and resources to support this work for member congregations and fellowships across our state and gives UUs a larger voice among partners, allies, and justice-makers. Become a supporting member today and help foster this collaboration. We need 50 of you (or more!) to reach our new member goal. Go to uujustice.org; click “Become a Member” and make a donation today.
Some of MUUSJN’s most recent accomplishments:
For information or help, please contact:
Miriam Epskamp, uucommunity@gmail.com, 269-993-8758 or Mary Jo Ebert, maryjoebert@gmail.com, 248-224-0223