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Michigan Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Network

Congress Adopts War Powers Act to Challenge Mass Starvation in Yemen

April 7th, 2019 by MUUSJN
Congress Urges End to U.S. Support for Saudi war on Yemen UN:  It’s World’s Worst Humanitarian Crisis
Urge President Trump to Be Bold and Sign the Bi-Partisan War Powers Resolution 1-202-456-1111 White House Comment Line, open M-Fri, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.or email him at: www.whitehouse.gov/contact

On Thursday, April 4th, the House voted 247-175 to demand an end to U.S. support for Saudi Arabia’s brutal war in Yemen. According to the UN, this war has resulted in the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, with 22 million people on the brink of starvation.  This bi-partisan vote followed a vote in the Senate to also adopt this Resolution.   Thanks to all who called their Senators when MUUSJN issued its last alert. For more information,  click HEREThe U.S. has a vast leverage to stop the killing, starting by cutting off military support for this unconscionable war.   

Now that Congress has acted, legislators  from both parties sent President Trump a letter calling for him to sign  the Resolution. It’s conventional wisdom that Trump will veto this Resolution, the second of his administration.  When asked about the resolution on late Thursday, Trump said “I’ll take a look at it”.  We shouldn’t be let him off the hook. Let’s put pressure on him to sign. CALL HIM MONDAY OR EMAIL HIM TODAY.    
Utah Senator Mike Lee, a Republican, said it’s “long past time that we end U.S. involvement in this unauthorized, unjustified and immoral war that has caused immense human suffering”
Senators Lee and Senator Rand Paul, who signed the letter along with members of the House, said Trump has expressed a desire to avoid “costly and never ending conflicts around the globe”. They also urged Trump to “set a new precedent”and “take on entrenched opposition to foreign policy restraint”. 

  1. The war has created the world’s greatest humanitarian crisiswith 22 million people on the brink of starvation;
  2. With bi-partisan votes in both the House and the Senate, Congress has declared that the U.S. should end its support forthis endless war;
  3. Show America that you can be bold. End the U.S. involvement in the costly Yemen conflict;

Call Representatives to Oppose Bills That Harm Immigrants & Hurt Local Governments

April 5th, 2019 by MUUSJN

Two anti-immigrant bills have reared their ugly heads in the Michigan legislature and will be up for a hearing before the House Military, Veterans and Homeland Security Committee at noon on Tuesday, April 9th in Lansing in room 307 of the House Office Building. That happens to be the same day that Michigan United is holding their Capitol Day for immigration and other justice issues (see notice below). MUUSJN invites you to call members of this committee before April 9th or attend this hearing while at Michigan United’s Capitol Day on April 9th.  
Information you need to challenge  these bills:
TWO BILLS (HB 4083 and HB 4090) would prohibit a county or a local unit of government from adopting or enforcing policies that limit local law enforcement communication or cooperation with federal officers (e. g., ICE or border patrol) about the immigration status of Michigan residents. Similar bills were introduced in previous years.  Governor Rick Snyder said he would veto them if they were adopted.  


  1. These bills REQUIRE local law enforcement to spend time and money to help federal agents to enforce federal law. These would become unfunded mandates;
  2. These bills provide powerful incentives for racial profiling;
  3. These bills would encourage anti-immigrant vigilantes to sue local governments and get their attorney costs covered by local governments;
  4. These laws would create distrust between immigrant communities and local law enforcement. They would undermine local law officers from doing the real work of keeping their communities safe.
  5. At their heart, these bills support racist assumptions that brown people are a danger to our communities.  For more information on these bills click this link: https://www.nasw-michigan.org/news/439880/Sanctuary-Policy-Prohibition-Acts-HB-4083–HB-4090-Organization-Position-Statement.htm 


  1. Attend a hearing of the House Military, Veterans and Homeland Security Committee that is meeting on Tuesday, April 9th at noon in Room 307, House Office Building in Lansing. Fill out a card and testify.
  2. Call these State Representative on the above committee. Tell them why they should vote NO on HB 4083 and HB 4090.
Beau LaFave (R)Committee Chair, 108th District 517-373-0156
Mike Mueller (R)Majority Vice-Chair, 51st District517-373-1780
Steve Marino (R)24th District      517-373-0113
Lynn Afendoulis (R)73rd District  517-373-0218
Gregory Markkanen(R)110th District 517-373-0850
Jewell Jones (D)Minority Vice-Chair, 11th District 517-373-0849
John Chirkun(D)22nd District 517-373-0854
Tyrone Carter (D)6th District 517-373-0823
Mari Manoogian(D)40th District     517-373-8670

Immigration Capitol Day April 9th  

Michigan United Invites You to Register to Meet Your Representative on Capitol Day In Lansing

April 9th, 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Lansing Civic Center, 333 E. Michigan Ave.

Click HERE to Register to Meet with Your Legislator

Michigan United has gotten confirmation with many lawmakers who have agreed to talk with constituents about issues such as: the environment, helping people integrate after they’ve been released from prison and treatment of immigrants.  Transportation being provided from Detroit, West Bloomfield, Macomb County, Flint, Kalamazoo & Grand Rapids.

One Week to Register for the Catholic Church & LGBTQ Justice – April 12-13

April 4th, 2019 by MUUSJN

Renewing Catholicism

What is valuable?
What needs to be reformed?

This conference was inspired by Catholic parents struggling to protect our LGBTQ children and seeking to renew their Church. 

Saturday, April 13th, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 
Christ Church, Cranbrook 470 Church Rd., Bloomfield Hills
Friday, April 12th,  7-9 p.m.

 Aaron Bianco, a courageous Catholic leader

Wine and Cheese Reception 

Guild Hall of Christ Church Cranbrook 

Only one week left to get registered
Click HERE to register
Click HERE for a conference brochure. For more information, call 313-670-2613

CO-SPONSORS:  Inclusive Justice (an interfaith LGBTQ welcoming and advocacy organization); Fortunate Families Detroit; Christ Church Cranbrook; Metropolitan Community Church of Detroit; Sisters of Mercy West Midwest Community; Michigan Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Network; The Sexual Literacy Project; Dignity Detroit; Space for Grace WithOutWalls UCC.

Hope You Can Join Us!

President Trump’s 2020 Budget Calls for Major Cuts to Public Services

March 26th, 2019 by MUUSJN

Pres. Trump’s FY 2020 Federal Budget Hurts Retirees,  Persons with Disabilities, the Sick, Low & Middle Income Families and Students

Transfers income to wealthy, corporations & pentagon

On March 11th, President Trump released his FY 2020 budget proposal. It slashes funding for health services and human needs, cuts funding for mandatory programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, expands pentagon spending and makes permanent $1.1 trillion in tax cuts for the wealthy approved in November 2017.  Congress, not President Trump, ultimately decides federal spending priorities.  However, reviewing the Trump budget proposals gives us an important glimpse at his budget priorities. 


On a regular basis, we need to let our members of Congress know how we think about our country’s spending priorities.   Remember to speak with your members of Congress this week and during the April 15 – 26th recess.
Decisions will be made first through Congress’ appropriations committees. Michigan does not have representation on the Senate Appropriations Committee, however, it has two members on the House Appropriations Committee. Review this action alert and express your views to these two key members of Congress:

Rep. Brenda Lawrence:  (D-Southfield) 1-202-225-5802 & Rep. John Moolenar (R-Midland): 1-202-225-3561

Also Call Senator  Debbie Stabenow: 1-202-224-4822 and Senator Gary Peters: 1-202-224-6221 & Your  U.S. Representative: 1- 202-224-3121
(Capitol Switchboard)

MANDATORY PROGRAM CUTS (over 10 years): Medicaid: $ 1.4 trillion; (health care for low income persons)Medicare: $845 billion; (health care for elderly & persons with disabilities)Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): $220 billion; (food for poor)Supplemental  Security Income (SSI): $70 billion; (for low income persons)Social Security: $25 billion; Temporary Assistance to Needy Families – $21 billion. (for low income families)

(Sources: Congressional Budget Office, Coalition on Human Needs,  Vox, 3/12/19)

DOMESTIC PROGRAM CUTS (over 10 years):Environmental Protection Agency: 31%;Department of Transportation: 19%;Department of Housing & Urban Development: 18%;Department of Agriculture: 13%;Department of Health & Human Services: 12%;Department of Education: 12%.Department of Labor: 10%.Department of Homeland Security – a 15% INCREASE. (This includes an additional $8.6 billion for building a border wall and $2.7 billion to continue jailing immigrant families and children.)
(Source: Congressional Budget Office, Office of Management and Budget 2020 Request)

These cuts include: elimination of loan forgiveness programs and subsidized loans for low-income students; elimination of home heating and cooling programs for low income families; and food packages for low income senior citizens.

Trump’s 2020 Pentagon Budget:The Trump Administration proposed $750 billion for its FY 2020 “Defense” budget. This budget is $20 billion more than defense officials requested and was above the $746 billion figure that Trump himself called “crazy” as recently as of last December. Most disturbing is the proposed $170 billion “Overseas Contingency Operations” fund that, according to former OMB Director, Mick Mulvaney, has been used as “slush fund” used to avoid budget caps. This fund was  dramatically increased more than 150% from last year’s appropriation of $67.9 billion!
A coalition of 17 organizations, from across the idealogical spectrum, this month sent a letter to Congress (click HERE for a copy) urging our elected officials to set defense spending at or below $576 billion, the amount Congress agreed in the Bi-partisan Budget Act of 2018 should be the cap for pentagon spending for FY 2020.  This coalition further agreed that Congress should put  an end to OCO slush fund. 

Tell Your Members of Congress: Keep the 2020 pentagon budget at or below   $576 billion agreed by Congress; ELIMINATE the Overseas Contingency Operations slush fund. It will just lead to more waste, fraud and wars!

TAX CUTS FOR THE WEALTHY AND CORPORATIONS MUUSJN strongly opposed the Trump administration $2 trillion tax giveaway over 10 years that was adopted on a partisan basis in December 2017. These tax cuts mostly went to the wealthy and corporations. Trump claimed that these tax cuts would result in mind-blowing economic growth. Tragically, the most mind blowing results of these tax cuts has been President Trump’s proposed  massive cuts in mandatory programs like Social Security, Medicare and  Medicaid. These proposals all violate his campaign promises to the American people. Some say that the Trump budget is dead on arrival. However, it is important that our members of Congress hear how we think our tax dollars should be spent. 

For more background on the proposed Trump 2020 budget, click HERE.  

Tell Your Rep To Override Trump’s Veto — An Attack on Democracy

March 24th, 2019 by MUUSJN

Tell Your Representative to Vote to OVERRIDE  Trump’s Veto


On February 15th, President Donald Trump declared a “national emergency” to allow himself to grab billions of dollars already appropriated by Congress to build his unpopular wall between the U.S. and Mexico.  More than two-thirds of Americans don’t think the wall should be a priority.  On February 26th the House passed a joint resolution to terminate the national emergency by a vote of 245 to 182. On March 14th, the Senate also passed it (59- 41) with 12 Republicans voting with Democrats. Trump vetoed this resolution on March 15th.  

The House is scheduled to hold a veto override vote on Tuesday March 26th; a two thirds majority is needed for it to pass.  While courts will likely determine the ultimate decision about checking President Trump’s power grab, how much Congress resists can play a part in restoring democracy. 

What You Can Do Now: Call Your U.S. Representative BEFORE 3/26/19

CALL: (202) 224-3121  (Congressional Switchboard)

or Click HERE for list of Michigan Representatives

Tell Your Representative:
  1. There is no crisis at the border. It is a fake, manufactured crisis;
  2. With his veto of Congress’s resolution to override his emergency declaration, Trump is undermining the balance of power between the President and Congress;
  3. Urge your Representative to VOTE YES to override Trump’s veto. 


Immigration Capitol Day April 9th

March 21st, 2019 by MUUSJN

 Michigan United Invites You to Register
to Meet Your Representative on Capitol Day In Lansing

April 9th, 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Lansing Civic Center, 333 E. Michigan Ave.

Michigan United has gotten confirmation from at least 26 lawmakers who have agreed to talk with you about issues such as: the environment, helping people integrate after they’ve been released from prison and treatment of immigrants.  Transportation being provided from Detroit, Flint, Kalamazoo & Grand Rapids.

Click HERE for more information and Get Registered

Webinar on Sanctuary & Asylum

Wednesday, April 10th, 8 p.m. 

The Unitarian Universalist Association is offering a webinar with information on “Expanded Sanctuary & Solidarity with Asylum Seekers”. Expanded sanctuary can involve sponsorship and accompaniment. 

Register HERE The First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ann Arbor has taken steps to  offer on-site residency for an asylum seeker. For more information, click HERE

Mourn With Our Muslim Brothers and Sisters, Oppose Hate & Affirm Life

March 17th, 2019 by MUUSJN

We Mourn Attacks on New Zealand Mosques & Stand in Solidarity with Muslim People

We stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in the Muslim faith. At least 50 people were killed and 50 wounded in a hate-filled terror attack targeting two mosques in the New Zealand city of Christchurch. We recall that a year ago 11 people were massacred at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh. In both cases, violence was committed against people while in their places of worship.  Unitarian Universalists believe we are called to affirm the worth of every human being. We must understand how prejudice can lead to violence. We must take next steps to collaborate with other people of faith to create change.  

You are invited to stand in solidarity with your Muslim neighbors by participating in a vigil at 6 p.m. Sunday, March 17th at the Muslim Unity Center located at 1830 W. Square Lake Road, Bloomfield Hills.

You are also invited to participate in a special dinner on Thursday, April 11th from 6-8 p.m. at the Muslim Unity Center. The cost of the dinner is $20. Register HERE. The dinner is part of a “Faith Over Fear” conference being held at the Center on April 11th and 12th.

The purpose of the conference:  explore ways to dismantle anti-Muslim bias and Islamophobia.  Leadership from the Unitarian Universalist Association urged MUUSJN to let people in Michigan know about this conference.  Not able to attend this conference? Get more information and action ideas by going to: http://www.takeonhate.org/ 

Water Lobby Day – March 20th; The Catholic Church & LGBTQ Justice – April 12-13

March 13th, 2019 by MUUSJN

What’s The Connection Between Water Justice and LGBTQ Rights & The Catholic Church?

 It’s PEOPLE … who should ALL be treated with DIGNITY 

World Water Day in Michigan- Water Lobbying Day
Wednesday, March 20th, 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Meet at the First Presbyterian Church, 510 W. Ottawa Street, Lansing for introduction to new water justice bills, press conference, visit legislators. Click HERE for flyer.

World Water Day Celebration: Friday, March 22nd, 4 – 9 p.m. at the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History.

For more information and to register for events go to: www.miworldwaterday.org


What is valuable in the Catholic tradition? What needs to be reformed?Saturday, April 13th, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Christ Church, Cranbrook, 470 Church Rd., Bloomfield Hills

This FREE conference, co-sponsored by Inclusive Justice, MUUSJN and many others, includes lunch and workshops for current and ex-Catholics. Opportunity to speak with a courageous Catholic spiritual leader on Friday, 7- 9 p.m. in Guild Hall of Christ Church Cranbrook. Click HERE for more information and to register. MUUSJN is pleased to have helped plan these two events. 


Call Your Senator NOW to End U.S. Support for War in Yemen

March 12th, 2019 by MUUSJN

Save the Children Estimates 85,000 Children Have Already Starved

U.S. supports Saudi war on Yemen — 22 million need emergency assistance

Call Our Senators NOW A Vote Is Expected Tomorrow (3/13/19)

Senator Debbie Stabenow: 202-224-4822

Senator Gary Peters: 202-224-6221

Tell Them:  Vote YES on a Bi-partisan Resolution to end U.S. military support for this brutal war in Yemen


According to the United Nations, a Saudi led coalition’s bombardment and blockade of food is the leading cause of civilian casualties.  It’s a proxy war in Yemen with Sunni Saudi Arabia opposing Shiite Houthie rebels supported by Iran.  Half the country’s population is on the brink of starvation.   For an update on the  cruel war in Yemen, click   https://news.un.org/en/story/2019/02/1032811

The U.S. has a vast amount of leverage to stop the killing, starting by cutting off military support for this unconscionable war. 

In addition to supporting  the world’s greatest humanitarian crisis, the Trump administration involvement in the Yemen war violates the War Powers Act.   Congress has never authorized use of U.S. military force in Yemen, making this war unconstitutional.   It appears the Trump administration values arms sales to the Saudi’s  more than it values human life.  Human life must come before profit. 

The Resolution, which already was passed in the House, has bi-partisan support — but it could be a close vote.  


CALL YOUR SENATORS — Tell Them: The Saudi led war in Yemen is making worse the world’s greatest humanitarian crisis with 22 million people in need of assistance; Congress has the power to end the illegal U.S. involvement in this civil war by enforcing the War Powers Act; Please vote for S. J. Resolution 7 to end U.S. support for the Saudi war in Yemen.

New Trump Gag Rule Faces Widespread Opposition

February 24th, 2019 by MUUSJN

On Friday, February 21st, the Trump Administration issued a rule through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that cuts off Title X family planning funds to organizations that provide abortions or tell women where they could get one. The rule prohibits federally funded family planning clinics from being housed in the same locations as abortion providers and would require stricter financial separation. This rule could strip millions of dollars from Planned Parenthood and direct it toward religiously based, anti-abortion groups.  The new rule removes a requirement that programs counsel women on “all reproductive options”, a change that could make anti-abortion providers eligible to get Title X funds. These religious groups are more likely to emphasize abstinence and discourage use of birth control. Planned Parenthood serves 41% of the 4 million people who benefit annually from the $286 million Title X family planning fund. As a progressive faith group, MUUSJN strongly opposes this gag rule. Women should be able get reproductive care they need without religious right dogma. WHAT OTHER GROUPS THINK 1. More than 500,000 Americans voiced their opposition to the new rule by submitting comments to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services;2. The American Medical Association, National Medical Association (African-American physicians), National Hispanic Medical Association, American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists, & American College of Physicians oppose this rule; 3. More than 200 members of Congress and 100 public health organizations have come out in opposition to the gag rule; and 4. Dr. Leana Wen, Planned Parenthood President, said “the gag rule is unconscionable and unethical. This rule compromises the oath I took to serve patients and help them make the best decision for their own health”. 


This rule could put access to free or low cost basic health care, such as birth control, sexually transmitted diseases and cancer screenings, out of reach for some under-served populations, including rural communities and people of color.  Planned Parenthood provides care on a no or low cost basis for low income people. Several medical organizations predicted that the new rule would would ultimately leave large numbers of patients, especially low-income and minority women, without access to basic care. 


The new rule is “almost certain to be challenged in federal court” according to an article in the February 22nd New York Times. Click HERE to read more. The AMA and 15 governor’s have threatened to take this rule to court to block it from taking effect. Most of the changes required by the new regulations will be phased in within 60 days after it is published in the Federal Register.  Clinics will have 120 days to comply with the requirement that family planning and abortion services are kept financially separate and a year to comply with the physical separation requirement.  Justice will be served if the gag rule is blocked! 

This alert is posted on Facebook  www.facebook.com/muusjn

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