Michigan Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Network logo - an image of the state of Michigan and the UU Chalice


Michigan Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Network

You can help protect abortion rights in Florida

July 16th, 2023 by MUUSJN

Dear Friend,

Last year, MUUSJN, Jews For A Secular Democracy and many other organizations helped Michigan enshrine reproductive rights in the Michigan constitution. Kate Lannamann, a member of MUUSJN’s Interfaith Reproductive Justice Coalition, has been enthusiastic about the work we’re doing in Michigan. She’s President of a Florida Interfaith Coalition for Reproductive Health and Justice AND she’s Board Chair of Southwest and Central Planned Parenthood. Lannamann said, “Florida is following Michigan’s lead by organizing their own reproductive justice ballot proposal.” Let’s lend them a hand!

Like Michigan, Florida’s ballot initiative would enshrine abortion rights in their state constitution. Spearheaded by FPF (Floridians Protecting Freedom), the ballot proposal is titled, “Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion.”

Here’s a summary of this proposal: “No law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider.”

It’s bad enough that Florida already has a 15-week limit on legal abortion; if court challenges fail, an even more extreme 6-week ban may take effect.

  • Send this letter to everyone you know in Florida. You can feel free to personalize this letter.
  • Invite Florida voters to click HERE to download, sign and mail in their ballot signature (use blue or black ink)
  • People can volunteer or contribute to the campaign by clicking HERE

The Floridians Protecting Freedom campaign needs to get over 900,000 signatures to place this on the ballot. Let’s help Florida secure the same protections that we enjoy in Michigan!

Michigan Senate Holding Hearings On Bills to Ban Conversion Therapy

June 9th, 2023 by MUUSJN

On June 6th the Michigan Senate heard testimony on SB 38 and SB 39, bills to ban the practice of Conversion Therapy. Senator Mallory McMorrow (D-Royal Oak) sponsored these bills.

Advocates testified that Michigan should end this cruel practices of trying to persuade a young person to change their sexual orientation or gender identity. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, there is no evidence that this practice is effective but there is evidence that it is harmful. The American Journal of Public Health in 2020 found that youth subjected to Conversion Therapy were more than twice a likely to report having attempted suicide in the last year. The Trevor Project, an advocacy group seeking to prevent suicide among LGBTQ+ youth, reported that 14% of Michigan of LGBTQ+ youth in Michigan had been subjected to or threatened with Conversion Therapy.

Rep. Jason Hoskins (D-Southfield), Michigan’s first African American elected to the Michigan legislature, introduced identical bills in the Michigan House. Hoskins said that Conversion Therapy allows “discrimination to flourish” and send a message that “you need to be fixed”.


Call your Michigan State Senator. Click HERE to get the phone for your state Senator.


  • All people deserve to be treated with respect;
  • Young people should not be counseled with Conversion Therapy to change their sexual orientation. The results could be cruel and lead even to suicide.
  • I urge you to vote for YES on SB’s 348 and 349 to Ban Conversion Therapy.

Tell Senators to Reject House Cuts in Spending As Part of Debt Limit Standoff

May 2nd, 2023 by MUUSJN

Urge Your Senators to Oppose Immoral Debt Ceiling Budget Cuts!

Senator Gary Peters: 1-202-224-6221

Senator Debbie Stabenow: 1-202-224-4822

Emphasize Human Needs and Community Concerns Raised by Extreme US House Budget Proposal

According to Federal Reserve Secretary Janet Yellen, the U.S. would need to reach an agreement on lifting the debt ceiling by June 1st or else the U.S. would default on its debt. Exploiting this routine vote to pay the bills, the House last week passed a FY 2024 budget that cuts domestic spending for human needs and community concerns by 22%. The proposal would also limit future spending to only 1% a year for 10 years. The budget assumes no cuts in Pentagon spending. President Biden’s FY 2024 budget proposes reducing the deficit by nearly $3 trillion by requiringg wealthy and big corporations to pay their fair share.

Here are examples of what the impact of 22 percent cuts in the federal budget would be based on analysis of Shalanda Young, Director of the Office of Management and budget:

  • Undermine medical care for veterans;
  • Slash funding for schools with low income students and students with disabilites;
  • Eliminate preschool and child care for hundreds of thousands of children;
  • 1.7 million million women, infants and children would lose special Food Stamp assistance;
  • More than a million seniors would lose access to food services, e.g. Meals on Wheels; &
  • Cut housing vouchers for 630,000 households.

These cuts are unacceptable! For information on what President Biden recently said about next steps toward addressing this budget impass, click HERE

Tell our Senators to reject these proposals for cuts, caps and eligibility changes in domestic and community spending. Urge them to support Biden’s proposal to require higher income people pay their fair share.

You’re Invited to Hear Two Senators Discuss Separation of Religion & Government in Michigan

April 24th, 2023 by MUUSJN


Michigan UU Social Justice Network (MUUSJN) is co-sponsoring this special program hosted by Jews for a Secular Democracy and several other groups.

Separation of church and state has always been an important issue. Sadly, women, LGBTQ+ people and people from many different races and cultures have been denied their dignity and their rights in the name of religion.

MUUSJN, Inclusive Justice and Jews for a Secular Democracy filed an amicus brief last fall that said that one religion should not force their beliefs and practices on other people. For more discussion on separation of church and state in Michigan, sign up to be present in person or on- line next Saturday April 29th at 7 p.m.

Reserve your place by clicking HERE

Celebrate Some Big Wins in the Michigan Legislature; Take More Action NOW!

March 22nd, 2023 by MUUSJN

Governor Signs Bill Expanding LGBTQ+ Rights!

Old 1931 Anti-Abortion Law Almost Revoked!!

Support Bill Giving Low-Income Workers Tax Relief in 2023

It’s Spring! It’s Time to Celebrate Big Wins in the Michigan legislature!!


On March 16th, Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed a historic bill that expands the Elliott Larsen Civil Rights Act to provide basic human rights to LGBTQ+ people. This means that members of the LGBTQ+ community can not be discriminated against for jobs, education, housing or public accomodations. This a reform that advocacy groups have been demanding for 40 years!

Thanks to all who responded to MUUSJN’s alert to advocate for this legislation.

Thank Senator Jeremy Moss at 517-373- 7888

& Representative Jason Hoskins: 517-373-1180

They sponsored SB 4 and HB 4003 in their respective chambers.

On March 2nd, the Michigan House of Representatives voted to adopt HB 4006 and a package of other bills to REPEAL an old 1931 anti-abortion law that criminalizes abortion. On March 8th, this legislation was approved in the Michigan Senate without religious exemption amendments. MUUSJN filed an amicus brief in the Supreme Court opposing this 1931 law. We argued that right wing religions that oppose abortions should not be able to impose their beliefs on other people of faith or on humanists. This legislation is going through further review to reach agreement on the House and Senate versions of this legislation. A spokesperson for the Governor’s office predicted these bills should be coming to the Governor for her signature by the end of March or early April. Another legislative achievement to celebrate!

Finally, MUUSJN was part of a large coalition that advocated for expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) for low-income working families. This bill was adopted in both the Michigan House and Senate along with other tax bills. However, in order to allow the bill to take immediate affect so lower income people can use the EITC deduction for THIS YEAR’S taxes, bill sponsors are reintroducing EITC reform as SB 144. The Senate Housing and Human Services Committee is scheduled to vote on SB 144 TOMORROW (March 21, 2023) at 2:30 p.m.


Email your comment to SenKMcDonaldRivet@senate.michigan.gov Senator Kristin McDonald Rivet will forward your testimony to the Senate Housing and Human Services Committee. In the subject of your email write: “Electronic Card: Senate Housing & Human Services Committee: Support SB 144. In the body of your email, write “Hello. I am emailing to electronically put in a card of support from (organization) for SB 144 that is up in the Senate Housing and Human Services Committee. List your name, your phone number and email. Thanks, (your name)

(This guidance provided by Adam Bitely, Senior Communications Specialist, Martin Waymire.)

Michigan House Votes to Overturn 1931 Anti-Abortion Law — Call Your Senator to Do the Same!

March 6th, 2023 by MUUSJN

MI House Votes to Protect Abortion Rights

Call Your State Senator to Finish the Job!


On Thursday, March 2nd, the Michigan House of Representatives voted to adopt a package of bills to REPEAL the old 1931 anti-abortion law that’s still on the books. Even though voters affirmed a ballot proposal that enshrined abortion rights in the Michigan Constitution, legislators and reproductive justice advocates believe it’s important to remove the 1931 law from the books in the event that a court might strike down our newly affirmed reproductive rights.

I am proud to report that MUUSJN consultant, Nomi Joyrich, testified on Wednesday March 1st in favor of bills to repeal the 1931 law in both the House and the Senate.

On March 2nd, a package of bills (SB’s 2, 37, 38 and 93) were adopted by the Senate Health Policy Committee and were forwarded to the full Senate for a vote. If these bills are fully affirmed in the Senate they can be forwarded to Governor Gretchen Whitmer for her signature. A vote on these bills could happen soon.


Call or Email Your Michigan Senator (To get the phone and email of your Michigan Senator click HERE)

Talking Points:

  1. Michigan people overwhelmingly voted last fall to protect women’s access to abortion and other reproductive services;
  2. A package of bills in the Michigan Senate would further protect this access by overturning the archaic 1931 Michigan law;
  3. This law violates separation of church and state by imposing one group’s religious beliefs on the rest of us
  4. I urge you to vote for a Senate bill package to repeal the 1931 abortion law.

Thank you for taking action!

MI Senate Votes to Expand Elliott Larsen LGBTQ+ Civil Rights in Michigan!

March 1st, 2023 by MUUSJN

Michigan Senate Votes to Expand LGBTQ+ Rights!

Call State Representatives to Vote YES on HB 4003

On February 28th, the Michigan Senate voted to adopt Senate Bill 4 that would expand the Elliott Larsen Civil Rights Act (ELCRA) to include rights of people from LGBTQ+ communities. YES! The ELCRA bans discrimination in employment, housing, and public services based on other categories such as: religion, race, color, national origen, age, sex, height, weight, and marital status. The Michigan Supreme Court ruled last year that discrimination based on sex includes sexual orientation and gender identity.

The Democratic controlled Senate refused to adopt a religious exemption amendment that would have allowed discrimination toward LGBTQ+ people under the guise of religious beliefs. Senator Jeremy Moss (D-Southfield), who sponsored this bill, said “we are not asking for anything more than anyone else has but we are not going to accept anything less than full protection under the law”. MUUSJN agrees with Senator Moss. Religion should be a source of love not an excuse for creating harm.

The next step for expanding LGBTQ+ rights is adoption of HB 4003 sponsored by Michigan Representative Jason Hoskins (D-Southfield). This bill is currently in the House Judiciary Committee chaired by Representative Kelly Breen.

ACTIONS: Call or email your Michigan State Representative. Click HERE to get the phone and email of your state Representative. AND call one or more members of the House Judiciary Committee (preferrably one with an “R” behind their name) listed below:

  • Rep. Kelly Breen (D) Chair: 517-373-2575
  • Rep. Kimberly Edwards (D) Majority Vice Chair: 517-373-0852
  • Rep. Andrew Fink (R) Minority Vice Chair: 517-373-1788
  • Rep. Tyrone Carter (D): 517-373-0154
  • Rep. Kara Hope (D): 517-373-8900
  • Rep. Noah Arbit (D):517-373-3816
  • Rep. Emily Dievendorf (D): 517-373-2277
  • Rep. Jason Hoskins (D): 517-373-1180
  • Rep. PenelopeTsemoglou (D): 517-373-2668
  • Rep. Pauline Wendzel (R): 517-373-1799
  • Rep. Douglas Wozniak (R): 517-373-0832
  • Rep. Pat Outman (R): 517-373-3436
  • Rep. Gina Johnsen (R): 517-373-1796


  • All people deserve to be treated with respect;
  • Both Republicans and Democrats voted to amend the Elliot Larsen Civil Rights Act to provide civil rights for our friends and family who are members of Michigan’s LGBTQ+ community;
  • I urge you to vote YES on HB 4003. Providing religious exemptions that would allow LGBTQ+ people to be discriminated against in the name of religion is just not right!

Michigan Legislature Votes to Expand Earned Income Tax Credit for Low & Moderate Income Families!

January 29th, 2023 by MUUSJN

MUUSJN Submitted Testimony In Senate Supporting This Tax Cut

Dear Friends:

Today was a red letter day for low and moderate income Michigan families, The Michigan Senate and the Michigan House rapidly passed bills that would expand the Earned Income Tax Credit. This is legislation that Governor Gretchen Whitmer, in her state of the state address on Wednesday, called the “Working Families Tax Credit”.

The new bills would expand the amount of state match that Michigan would pay to supplement the federal income tax credit from 6% to 30%. Both the House and the Senate legislation would give the bills immediate effect and would expand the tax credit to low and moderate income working families from 6% up to 30% of the federal rate.

An example of what this state benefit increase could mean: A single mother earning $17,000 per year who has two children would receive $350 from the current credit. Expanding the credit to 30% of the federal credit would mean that she’d receive about $1,700. A married couple with no children would only be eligible if they earned less than $22,610 in 2022. But a couple with three kids would be eligible for the credit it they earned less than $57,187/year.

Governor Whitmer, who made this one of her priorities in 2023, is expected to sign this legislation. Last year, MUUSJN agreed to work for this goal in 2023 and joined a statewide EITC coalition.

Here’s part of MUUSJN’s testimony given to the Senate Housing and Human Services Committee earlier this week:

“One of the core principles of Unitarian Universalism is that each person should be treated with dignity. We support SB-3 because it would support low-income working people who often struggle with purchasing food, paying rent, buying clothes for their children and paying their utility bills. Increasing Michigan matching funds for the federal EITC from 6% to 30% will help families live with greater dignity.”

New Michigan Democratic Majority

January 17th, 2023 by MUUSJN

Introduces New Bills That Address Six Issues

MUUSJN Has HIstory of Advocating for Three of Them

Dear Friends:

January 11th was the first day of the new Michigan legislature. On January 12th, Democrats wasted no time introducing House and Senate versions of six bills that address social and economic justice issues. Our statewide justice network has a history of advocating for three of these issues.

For more information about these bills and their sponsors, click HERE.


MUUSJN has been advocating for the repeal of a 1931 anti-abortion law that’s still on the books — in spite of adoption of the Reproductive Freedom for All ballot proposal. Two bills were introduced that would repeal parts of the 1931 law that makes it a crime for women to get an abortion.


Legislation to expand the Elliot- Larsen Civil Rights Act to include anti-discrimination protections for people based on their sexual oriention or gender identity. In 2020, MUUSJN supported a ballot proposal to amend this civil rights act that would have extended protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity.


The new bills would expand the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) for low income working families from 6% up to 30% of the federal rate. Last year, MUUSJN agreed to work for this goal in 2023 and joined a statewide EITC coalition.

If you haven’t aleady done so …

Click HERE to find the name and contact information for your State Senator and your state Representative.

Sharing Our Milestones for Justice in 2022! Help Sustain Our Movement in 2023

December 23rd, 2022 by MUUSJN

Dear Friends:

It’s been a challenging and a rewarding year for Michigan Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Network (MUUSJN) activists and our allies as we continue to work for justice for all people in Michigan. We mobilized volunteers to collect signatures to put voting and reproductive rights on 2022 ballot. And the voters agreed! We responded to hate and violence toward LGBTQ+ and BIPOC communities with educational forums and advocacy. We organized in support of real climate change. We ‘ve worked in coalition to advocate for raising the wages of low income people. We are committed to make justice happen!

With your support, we will continue to work for justice in 2023!


  • Advocated for fair redistricting by providing education about the process and encouraging people to testify at public hearings.
  • Mobilized UUs and other volunteers who gathered over 2,600 signatures that helped put the Promote the Vote proposal on the November ballot to protect voting rights in Michigan.
  • Sent 37 action alerts to our statewide network of activists to promote voting, take action on public policies and mobilize volunteers.
  • In partnership with UU the Vote, Michigan United and Interfaith Power and Light, volunteers and consultants made 4,675 calls and sent texts to over 560,200 Michigan residents providing voting information and encouragement to vote.
  • Recruited and trained a network of volunteers to do relational organizing.


  • Our Interfaith Reproductive Justice Coalition regularly joined forces to advocate for the rights of women, voters, and LGBTQ+ people.
  • Mobilized UUs and other volunteers who gathered over 5,900 signatures that helped put the Reproductive Freedom for All proposal on the November ballot.
  • Provided “Ballot Proposal Deep Dive” training for congregational groups and community organizations.
  • Combated disinformation by flooding social media with factual posts.
  • Spearheaded the writing and filing of an amicus brief in support of lawsuits by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Planned Parenthood seeking to nullify Michigan’s 1931 abortion ban law. This brief makes the case that the 1931 law allows some religious groups to impose their beliefs about reproductive choice on other people of faith. This is religious discrimination, a violation of the Michigan Constitution.


  • Created an Interfaith Racial Equity Task Force that identified racial justice priorities.
  • Organized a “Fly on the Wall” forum that conducts a conversation about race in a setting where white people listen without comment.
  • Provided information about the UU 8th Principle that calls for “working to build diverse multicultural Beloved communities” and “dismantle racism and other oppressions”. Encourage UU congregations to learn about and embody this principle.
  • Hosted a forum to educate voters on how the election could affect school board positions on Critical Race Theory.


  • In concert with MUUSJN’s Interfaith Reproductive Justice Coalition, monitored and took positions on LGBTQ+ issues.
  • Published a monthly newsletter that serves to educate and advocate for policy initiatives such as the Equality Act.
  • Continued working with UU congregations in their Welcoming Congregation renewal efforts.
  • In partnership with Inclusive Justice, organized a statewide rally for LGBTQ+ rights.
  • Organized forums addressing LGBTQ+ discrimination, voting rights, and how to advocate for the dignity of LGBTQ+ students at school board meetings.


  • Worked with the People’s Water Board to protect the right to clean, affordable water, particularly for low-income people.
  • Conducted MUUSJN Environmental Task Force meetings to facilitate sharing of ideas and actions among UU congregations.
  • Worked with Michigan Alliance for Justice in Climate (MAJIC) to monitor and take positions on multiple environmental justice issues.


  • In our continuing fight for a minimum wage increase, collected thousands of signatures for the Raise the Wage ballot proposal, which will appear on the 2024 ballot.
  • As part of the MI Time To Care Coalition, brought a lawsuit against the State of Michigan demanding that the law requiring paid leave be put into effect. This case is ongoing.
  • In coalition with Michigan Liberation, worked to reform the cash bail system.
  • Mentored three Economic Justice Alliance of Michigan (EJAM) Fellows.