Urge Rep’s Slotkin and Stevens to Support The American Women’s Protection Act
By MUUSJN on Saturday, August 7th, 2021
Call & Urge Rep’s Elissa Slotkin & Haley Stevens To Co-sponsor the Women’s Health Protection Act (HR 3755) Rep. Elissa Slotkin: 1-202-225-4872 Rep. Haley Stevens: 202-225-8171 BACKGROUND The legal right to an abortion faces its biggest threat in decades, according to NARAL Prochoice America. In June, Rep. Judy Chu (D-CA) and 188 U.S. Representatives co-sponsored the Women’s Health Protection Act (HR 3755) a bill that would block a barrage of state bans and restrictions on women’s access to an abortion. According to the Guttmacher Institute, 561 abortion bans have been adopted since January of 2021. The Women’s Health Protection Act is needed to protect women’s right to make decisions about their own reproductive health care. HR 3755 is co-sponsored by every Michigan Democratic U.S. Representative […]
Urge Our Michigan Senators to Champion the American Jobs Plan & Bi-partisan Infrastructure Bill
By MUUSJN on Monday, July 26th, 2021
Call Our U.S. Senators: Sen. Debbie Stabenow: 1-202-224-4822 Sen. Gary Peters: 1-202-224-6221 Tell Our Senators: Support the American Jobs Plan And the Bi-partisan Infrastructure Bill BACKGROUND On March 31st, the Biden Administration unveiled a $2 trillion “American Jobs Plan” also known as the “Build Back Better infrastructure Package” . This plan was a bold infrastructure bill that included investments in building bridges, roads, public transit, countering climate change, creating good paying green jobs and $400 billion for home and community based services as an alternative to nursing home care. This plan evolved into two plans: a bi-partisan basic infrastructure package (that reportedly has support from 20 Republicans) that covered roads, bridges, broadband internet, a network of charging stations for electric vehicles. etc. The larger, Democrat […]
Urge Michigan U.S. Senators to be CHAMPIONS of FOR THE PEOPLE ACT & END the Filibuster
By MUUSJN on Wednesday, July 14th, 2021
Call Senator Debbie Stabenow: 202-224-4822 & Senator Gary Peters: 202-224-6221 Urge Them to be Champions of S.1, For The People Act & to End the Filibuster BACKGROUND: The rights of voters in Michigan, like in many other states, are under assault from right wing legislators who are working to make it more difficult instead of making it easier to vote. It’s part of a national effort to suppress the vote based on “the big lie” that the 2020 Presidential election was “stolen”. Members of the Texas legislature bucked the tide of passing voter suppression bills by leaving the state so the Texas legislature could not get a quorum to adopt 11 controversial bills that included: excluding transgender students from sports teams, attacking “critical race theory” and several […]
Urge Your Representative to Support the American Families Plan
By MUUSJN on Monday, July 12th, 2021
Call Your U.S. Representative Click HERE to Get Name & Phone # of Your U.S. Representative Thank or Urge Your Rep. to Co-sponsor the American Families Act BACKGROUND On April 28th, the Biden Administration unveiled its American Families Plan, a bold $1.8 trillion package of proposals that would bring essential benefits to families with a special impact on women and young persons. The package would be partly financed by higher taxes on wealthy Americans. During June, MUUSJN’s Interfaith Reproductive Justice Coalition voted to support and advocate for the American Families Plan (H.R. 928) that would provide: For more information on the American Families Plan, click HERE to read a concise article written by the Center for Law and Social Policy. H.R. 928, introduced by Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CA), is […]
Call Your State Senator TODAY to Oppose Most Restrictive Voter ID Bills in the Nation!!
By MUUSJN on Tuesday, June 29th, 2021
CALL YOUR STATE SENATOR TODAY – Click HERE to Find Your Senator’s Name and Phone Number Voter suppression bills SB 303 and 304 are coming back to the Michigan Senate for a final vote on Wednesday, June 30th the last day before Senators take their long August recess. Please call your State Senator TODAY and urge him/her to vote NO and SB 303 and 304. These bill were adopted in the Senate, then adopted with amendments in the House and now return for a final vote in the Michigan Senate. SB 303 and SB 304 are the most restrictive voter ID bills in the nation: The bills ban voters who arrive at the polls without a specific type of Voter ID to confirm their identify by signing […]
Urge Three Michigan Representatives to Oppose Two Voter Suppression Bills
By MUUSJN on Friday, June 25th, 2021
Michigan Bills Add ID Requirements That Make It Harder to Vote in Person or Absentee URGENT: EMAIL THREE STATE REPRESENTATIVES The fight to challenge voter suppression bills is coming to the Michigan House of Representatives. Two strict voter ID bills (SB 303 and SB 304) were adopted in the Senate and were sent to the Michigan House of Representatives Elections and Ethics Committee. MUUSJN, as a partner with the America Votes – Michigan coalition, urges its activists to email and call three key legislators before noon this Wednesday when the committee starts taking testimony on SB 303 and SB 304. A vote in the full House could follow on the same day.These Voter ID bills will create unnecessary restrictions designed to make it harder for some […]
Urge Your Michigan Senator to Oppose Voter Suppression Bills
By MUUSJN on Wednesday, June 16th, 2021
Michigan Bills Add ID Requirements That Make It Harder to Vote in Person or Absentee URGENT: CALL YOUR STATE SENATOR Various sources have informed MUUSJN that a vote on three voter suppression bills could be happen in the full Michigan Senate as soon as tomorrow, Thursday or sometime before July 4th. Please call your Michigan Senator and tell him/her: Vote NO on SB 285, SB 303 and SB 304. These Voter ID bills will create unnecessary restrictions designed to make it harder for some people to vote absentee or in person. Get your MI Senator’s name and phone number by clicking this link and entering your address: https://www.senate.michigan.gov/fysbyaddress.html SB 303 and SB 304 requires a state ID in order to vote in person on election day. It removes the […]
Juneteenth Events in Over 30 Michigan Cities– Opportunities to Celebrate and Take Action!
By MUUSJN on Tuesday, June 15th, 2021
Over 30 Michigan Communities Celebrate Juneteenth Short History of Juneteenth: Juneteenth, also called Emancipation Day or Juneteenth Independence Day, commemorates the end of slavery in the United States. In 1863 President Abraham Lincoln declared that slaves were free. However, it was not until June 19th 1865 when Union soldiers arrived in Galveston, that Texas residents learned that slavery was abolished. The following year on June 19th, the first Juneteenth celebrations were held. The original observances included prayer meetings, singing of spirituals and wearing new clothes as a way to express the new found freedom. Now Juneteenth celebrates is celebrated in 47 states and includes prayer, religious services, speeches, educational events, family gatherings, and picnics, and festivals with music, food and dancing. (Source: Encyclopedia Britannica) Of […]
Urge Gov. Whitmer & State Representatives to Restore Racial Justice Items in Michigan Budget
By MUUSJN on Friday, June 4th, 2021
Michigan Appropriations Committees Delete Funding For Racial Equity Office & Sickle Cell Treatment URGENT ACTION NEEDED: CONTACT GOVERNOR WHITMER & Members of House Conference CommitteeEMAIL GOVERNOR WHITMER or call the Governor: 517-335-7858 BACKGROUND: Governor’s Proposal for an Office of Race, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Enhancement In May of 2018, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) approved and published a “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Plan” to “promote and foster a culture that values diversity, equity and inclusion” throughout the MDHHS and the diverse communities its serves. The plan defines “equity” as “fair and just treatment, access and opportunities for all people while building better outcomes for historically and currently disadvantaged populations”. The plan stated, and the COVID pandemic confirmed, that people from various […]
Urge Michigan Senators to Oppose Voter Suppression Bills before 2 p.m. This Wednesday
By MUUSJN on Wednesday, May 26th, 2021
URGENT ACTION NEEDED: CONTACT STATE SENATORS (from Michigan ACLU) This week, we are asking you all to take action to oppose Senate Bill 285, Senate Bill 303, and Senate Bill 304. On Wednesday, May 26 at 2 p.m. EST, the Michigan Senate Elections committee will be taking testimony on Senate Bills 285, 303, and 304. These voter suppression bills will create unnecessary restrictions designed to make it harder for some people to vote. The bills will eliminate Michigan’s long-functioning system of allowing a voter to prove who they are by signing an affidavit under penalty of perjury if they arrive at a polling place without ID. The bills go so far as to require you to send a copy of your ID through the mail if you […]