Mourn With Our Muslim Brothers and Sisters, Oppose Hate & Affirm Life
By MUUSJN on Sunday, March 17th, 2019
We Mourn Attacks on New Zealand Mosques & Stand in Solidarity with Muslim People
We stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in the Muslim faith. At least 50 people were killed and 50 wounded in a hate-filled terror attack targeting two mosques in the New Zealand city of Christchurch. We recall that a year ago 11 people were massacred at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh. In both cases, violence was committed against people while in their places of worship. Unitarian Universalists believe we are called to affirm the worth of every human being. We must understand how prejudice can lead to violence. We must take next steps to collaborate with other people of faith to create change.
You are invited to stand in solidarity with your Muslim neighbors by participating in a vigil at 6 p.m. Sunday, March 17th at the Muslim Unity Center located at 1830 W. Square Lake Road, Bloomfield Hills.
You are also invited to participate in a special dinner on Thursday, April 11th from 6-8 p.m. at the Muslim Unity Center. The cost of the dinner is $20. Register HERE. The dinner is part of a “Faith Over Fear” conference being held at the Center on April 11th and 12th.
The purpose of the conference: explore ways to dismantle anti-Muslim bias and Islamophobia. Leadership from the Unitarian Universalist Association urged MUUSJN to let people in Michigan know about this conference. Not able to attend this conference? Get more information and action ideas by going to:
Category: News | Tags: conference, faith over fear, prejudice, uua, vigil