Sharing Our Milestones for Justice in 2022! Help Sustain Our Movement in 2023
By MUUSJN on Friday, December 23rd, 2022
Dear Friends:
It’s been a challenging and a rewarding year for Michigan Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Network (MUUSJN) activists and our allies as we continue to work for justice for all people in Michigan. We mobilized volunteers to collect signatures to put voting and reproductive rights on 2022 ballot. And the voters agreed! We responded to hate and violence toward LGBTQ+ and BIPOC communities with educational forums and advocacy. We organized in support of real climate change. We ‘ve worked in coalition to advocate for raising the wages of low income people. We are committed to make justice happen!
With your support, we will continue to work for justice in 2023!
- Advocated for fair redistricting by providing education about the process and encouraging people to testify at public hearings.
- Mobilized UUs and other volunteers who gathered over 2,600 signatures that helped put the Promote the Vote proposal on the November ballot to protect voting rights in Michigan.
- Sent 37 action alerts to our statewide network of activists to promote voting, take action on public policies and mobilize volunteers.
- In partnership with UU the Vote, Michigan United and Interfaith Power and Light, volunteers and consultants made 4,675 calls and sent texts to over 560,200 Michigan residents providing voting information and encouragement to vote.
- Recruited and trained a network of volunteers to do relational organizing.
- Our Interfaith Reproductive Justice Coalition regularly joined forces to advocate for the rights of women, voters, and LGBTQ+ people.
- Mobilized UUs and other volunteers who gathered over 5,900 signatures that helped put the Reproductive Freedom for All proposal on the November ballot.
- Provided “Ballot Proposal Deep Dive” training for congregational groups and community organizations.
- Combated disinformation by flooding social media with factual posts.
- Spearheaded the writing and filing of an amicus brief in support of lawsuits by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Planned Parenthood seeking to nullify Michigan’s 1931 abortion ban law. This brief makes the case that the 1931 law allows some religious groups to impose their beliefs about reproductive choice on other people of faith. This is religious discrimination, a violation of the Michigan Constitution.
- Created an Interfaith Racial Equity Task Force that identified racial justice priorities.
- Organized a “Fly on the Wall” forum that conducts a conversation about race in a setting where white people listen without comment.
- Provided information about the UU 8th Principle that calls for “working to build diverse multicultural Beloved communities” and “dismantle racism and other oppressions”. Encourage UU congregations to learn about and embody this principle.
- Hosted a forum to educate voters on how the election could affect school board positions on Critical Race Theory.
- In concert with MUUSJN’s Interfaith Reproductive Justice Coalition, monitored and took positions on LGBTQ+ issues.
- Published a monthly newsletter that serves to educate and advocate for policy initiatives such as the Equality Act.
- Continued working with UU congregations in their Welcoming Congregation renewal efforts.
- In partnership with Inclusive Justice, organized a statewide rally for LGBTQ+ rights.
- Organized forums addressing LGBTQ+ discrimination, voting rights, and how to advocate for the dignity of LGBTQ+ students at school board meetings.
- Worked with the People’s Water Board to protect the right to clean, affordable water, particularly for low-income people.
- Conducted MUUSJN Environmental Task Force meetings to facilitate sharing of ideas and actions among UU congregations.
- Worked with Michigan Alliance for Justice in Climate (MAJIC) to monitor and take positions on multiple environmental justice issues.
- In our continuing fight for a minimum wage increase, collected thousands of signatures for the Raise the Wage ballot proposal, which will appear on the 2024 ballot.
- As part of the MI Time To Care Coalition, brought a lawsuit against the State of Michigan demanding that the law requiring paid leave be put into effect. This case is ongoing.
- In coalition with Michigan Liberation, worked to reform the cash bail system.
- Mentored three Economic Justice Alliance of Michigan (EJAM) Fellows.
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